In my Zone 2 article, I discussed how cardiovascular health and VO2 max are essential components of overall health and strong predictors of longevity. Dr. Peter Attia uses the analogy of a triangle to represent the cardiovascular system: the larger the triangle, the greater your VO2 max. The broad base of the triangle is built with steady-state Zone 2 training, while the tall peak is developed through higher-intensity Zones 4 and 5 (heart rate max) training.

Unlike Zone 2 training, heart rate max or interval training isn’t enjoyable for most sane people. The intensity required to reach these higher training zones is uncomfortable and challenging. However, as the saying goes, the magic—or growth—happens outside of our comfort zones.
Why Combine Zone 2, 4, and 5 Training?
To optimize your cardiovascular health and VO2 max, it’s important to train across these zones strategically:
Zone 2 Training builds your aerobic base, which supports recovery, enhances endurance, and prepares your body to handle higher-intensity training.
Zone 4 Training increases your lactate threshold, enabling you to sustain harder efforts for longer periods.
Zone 5 Training pushes your cardiovascular system to its limits, improving your maximal oxygen uptake and overall fitness potential.
When I approach my higher-intensity zone workouts, I see them as offering two key health benefits. The first is straightforward: improving my cardiovascular system, which contributes to better health and longevity. The second benefit, which I find even more impactful, is developing mental grit. By pushing ourselves to do things we’d rather avoid—enduring discomfort and persevering through challenges—we build mental toughness that can carry over to other aspects of life. Michael Easter, author of The Comfort Crisis, refers to these intense sessions as "burn the ships" workouts. Similarly, Joe Rogan captures this philosophy perfectly: "One of the things about getting your body moving and exercising is that it makes the rest of your life easier. You put yourself through physical struggle, and everything else seems manageable in comparison."
That said, when it comes to actually performing these higher-intensity or "burn the ships" workouts, they should not be randomized acts of self-torture. Safety, systematic progression, and working within your individual capacity must steer the "ship." If you’re relatively new to fitness, the majority of your time and effort should be dedicated to building a strong base with Zone 2 training.
Personally I aim to do 1-2 "burn the ships" workouts per week. Some of my "favourites" are:
2000m row
Sled push pull intervals
Hill run/"sprint" intervals
Row 4 min / 4 min off - 4 rounds
I'd recommend building your own "burn the ships"/ zone 4 and 5 workouts using the guidelines and examples below.
Examples of Workouts for Each Zone
Intensity: Low-intensity, steady-state effort.
RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion): 4-6/10 (Comfortable; you can hold a conversation).
Target Heart Rate: 70-80% of your max HR.
Example Workouts:
Cycling: Ride at a steady pace for 45–90 minutes, focusing on consistent effort without spikes in heart rate.
Walking or Hiking: Keep a brisk but manageable pace for 60 minutes, preferably on flat terrain to maintain Zone 2.
Rowing or Swimming: Perform a steady effort for 30–60 minutes, maintaining smooth, rhythmic movements.
Zone 4 Training (Threshold Training)
Intensity: Hard effort, near the lactate threshold.
RPE: 7–8/10 (Challenging; conversation becomes difficult).
Target Heart Rate: 80–90% of your max HR.
Work-to-Rest Ratio: 1:1 or 2:1 (e.g., 4 minutes work, 4 minutes rest or 2 minutes work, 1-minute rest).
Example Workouts:
Running Intervals: Run at a "hard but sustainable" pace for 3–5 minutes, followed by 2–3 minutes of walking or light jogging. Repeat for 4–6 rounds.
Cycling: Perform 6–8 intervals of 3 minutes at a hard effort, followed by 3 minutes of easy pedaling.
Rowing: Row at a challenging pace for 4 minutes, then paddle lightly for 4 minutes. Complete 5–6 rounds.
Zone 5 Training (VO2 Max)
Intensity: Maximal or near-maximal effort.
RPE: 9–10/10 (Very challenging; you can only sustain effort briefly).
Target Heart Rate: 90–100% of your max HR.
Work-to-Rest Ratio: 1:2 or 1:3 (e.g., 30 seconds work, 1–1.5 minutes rest).
Example Workouts:
Sprints: Run as fast as you can for 20–30 seconds, followed by 1–2 minutes of walking or slow jogging. Repeat for 6–10 rounds.
Assault Bike or SkiErg: Perform 20 seconds of all-out effort, followed by 40 seconds of easy pedaling or recovery. Complete 10–12 rounds.
Hill Repeats: Sprint uphill for 15–30 seconds, then walk back down for recovery. Repeat for 8–12 rounds.
Key Notes for Training Across Zones
Progress Gradually: Start with Zone 2 training as your foundation, especially if you’re new to fitness or have been sedentary.
Track Your Metrics: Use a heart rate monitor to ensure you’re training in the right zone. If unavailable, rely on RPE and how you feel.
Listen to Your Body: High-intensity zones (4 and 5) require more recovery, so incorporate them sparingly, typically once or twice a week.
Mix and Match: Combine workouts from all three zones throughout your training week to maximize results and maintain balance in your program.
Let me know what workouts you come up with in the comments. Please share this article if you found it useful and feel free to reach out with any questions.
If you, or someone you know, needs help with a sleep, nutrition or fitness routine, please reach out. Either online or in the gym, I specialize in helping busy professionals over 40 get fit without burning out. My personal training studio services downtown Toronto and is just steps away from the UP Union to Pearson Express Station.